


I’m Kristie, a Women’s Life and Health coach, and a certified Personal Trainer. It’s my mission to empower every woman to be the author of their life. For them to KNOW their worth, and feel cozy & confident in their skin so they stop feeling stuck, and instead create a life they’ll love.

I’m a tad awkward, but I swear it's part of my charm! Sometimes I have a big personality, but most of the time, this old soul of mine is quite introverted. I LOVE reading, and I get all fiery when it comes to talking about self-worth, confidence, and your passions! I believe kindness could cure the world, and I’m doing all of this to be the best role model for my 3 girls! 

Through this podcast & my work as a women’s life & health coach, I hope to bring women the safety to be who they are truly meant to be, to feel less lonely through this journey we call life, and to make the hard, vulnerable conversations the new norm.


I am Paige, a Certified Mystic Astrologer. 
I'm here to share with you the secrets of the stars & the stories of my soul.

I love chatting about the cosmos, spirituality, holistic health, & what it means to truly live. I'm not the girl to sugarcoat my life experiences because what fun is that? But to share my stories in a real, raw & usually hilarious way.

I'm funny, ask anyone.

I'm always down for a good laugh or cry, maybe even, both. 

& as the mother to two beautiful daughters, who are wise beyond their years & teach me more about myself every day, I have uncovered what it means to live in alignment with my purpose. 

So, here on this podcast & in my work as an astrologer, I can only hope to be a vessel for others to witness themselves authentically through the cosmic blueprint of their soul & trust that through sharing my stories, others out there will know, they are never alone.