

I am Paige, a Certified Mystic Astrologer. 
I'm here to share with you the secrets of the stars & the stories of my soul.

I love chatting about the cosmos, spirituality, holistic health, & what it means to truly live. I'm not the girl to sugarcoat my life experiences because what fun is that? But to share my stories in a real, raw & usually hilarious way.

I'm funny, ask anyone.

I'm always down for a good laugh or cry, maybe even, both. 

& as the mother to two beautiful daughters, who are wise beyond their years & teach me more about myself every day, I have uncovered what it means to live in alignment with my purpose. 

So, here on this podcast & in my work as an astrologer, I can only hope to be a vessel for others to witness themselves authentically through the cosmic blueprint of their soul & trust that through sharing my stories, others out there will know, they are never alone. 
